Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ultimate Sack vs. Comfy Sack

If you’re looking for bean bag chairs that are better than the Comfy Sack, look no further than Ultimate Sack bean bag chairs. While the Comfy Sack likes to brag about how big businesses love them, Ultimate Sack makes their bean bag chairs for people, not companies.

Their super comfortable, super soft bean bag chairs are perfect for children to plop down on after school to get some homework done, or for you to throw into the corner of their room so you can read them stories before bedtime.

To be blunt, they just make a better bean bag chair and provide excellent customer service, from the moment you begin to create your customized bean bag chair on their site, to their world class customer service if you have any questions or concerns, to the warranty they offer in case anything should ever go wrong with your bean bag chair, Ultimate Sack is the company that’s going to make sure that your needs are met. They just make a better bean bag chair. With bigger dimensions and a variety of colors (they offer 33 compared to Comfy Sack’s 30) or even price (it’s close here, but they still outperform in this category too, $229 for Ultimate Sack, $230 for Comfy Sack)

So we recommend that you buy an Ultimate Sack today. It’s the most comfortable bean bag chairs you will ever own.